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What is cryptocurrency trading & how does it work?

Cryptocurrency trading is anexchange of digital currency between traders. It allows them to profit from price fluctuations caused by demand and supply. Trading cryptocurrency is also risky and rewarding at the same time due to its volatile nature. However, risk can be mitigated by hedging or diversification.

How to invest in cryptocurrency?

However, if you are a beginner, pursuing a cryptocurrency trading course and becoming an expert is recommended. Lastly, it is essential to store your crypto in a safe place. For that, you can choose a digital wallet, and it can be software or hardware.

What is a crypto trading strategy?

A trading strategy is simply a plan that you will follow when executing your trades. It will comprise the kind of assets to invest in, the frequency of your trades, and your investments’ size. In this section, we will discuss some of the most common crypto trading strategies.

Can cryptocurrencies become a form of money?

Although some crypto investors are hopeful that cryptocurrencies might someday be adopted as a form of money, most see crypto as an alternative asset that can appreciate in value. It’s a way to invest in blockchain technology. Some people purchase cryptocurrency as a way of indirectly investing in its underlying blockchain.

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